Thursday, August 7, 2008

My imagination.

Always after reading the work of Stephenie Meyer I'm tempted to start some writing of my own. Last year I went ahead and wrote what I thought would be Edwards story of what happend before he became a vampire and what happend to his family (it was like 5 pages... that's it). But now I've been workig on something that is totaly and completely mine. I don't know what it's called yet but it is also fictional and has almost nothing to do with vampires. It is completely about shift changers but for short I just call them werewolves since they most comonly take shape of the wolf anyway. So here is the first tiny part that I've written of my little story... I don't know what to call it but the first chapter has been titled Pure Fiction even though it hasn't been finished.

In my mind nothing here could overcome the pure joy I was experiencing. As I ran through the exotic forest that surrounded this small town I wondered how so many people in the world could lock them selves away forever and never experience the pure magic of this. Impossible as it was if I continued forward 20 more feet this fantasy would be over – but if I turned left and sprinted as far as my feet would take me, my dream would never end.
I followed my instincts and started running. At first I hesitated at a slow but sure jog, then as my heartbeat accelerated so did my speed. As the summer wind pushed me back – away from my goal – I felt as if all my worries were being striped away and my body worked its way to a sprint. The pain that started inside the bones of my foot worked its way up my calf, then trough my thigh, and sent a shiver up my spine. A sudden gust of pleasure took place as I noticed light coming through the trees opening the forest to a significant bliss.

So if you enjoyed this then keep reading my blog because that might help me continue writing since I don’t really see any potential in this writing anyway… I’m just waiting till I will.

- M.J.

1 comment: said...

Very discriptive sweetheart. Keep it up.