Thursday, August 7, 2008

My imagination.

Always after reading the work of Stephenie Meyer I'm tempted to start some writing of my own. Last year I went ahead and wrote what I thought would be Edwards story of what happend before he became a vampire and what happend to his family (it was like 5 pages... that's it). But now I've been workig on something that is totaly and completely mine. I don't know what it's called yet but it is also fictional and has almost nothing to do with vampires. It is completely about shift changers but for short I just call them werewolves since they most comonly take shape of the wolf anyway. So here is the first tiny part that I've written of my little story... I don't know what to call it but the first chapter has been titled Pure Fiction even though it hasn't been finished.

In my mind nothing here could overcome the pure joy I was experiencing. As I ran through the exotic forest that surrounded this small town I wondered how so many people in the world could lock them selves away forever and never experience the pure magic of this. Impossible as it was if I continued forward 20 more feet this fantasy would be over – but if I turned left and sprinted as far as my feet would take me, my dream would never end.
I followed my instincts and started running. At first I hesitated at a slow but sure jog, then as my heartbeat accelerated so did my speed. As the summer wind pushed me back – away from my goal – I felt as if all my worries were being striped away and my body worked its way to a sprint. The pain that started inside the bones of my foot worked its way up my calf, then trough my thigh, and sent a shiver up my spine. A sudden gust of pleasure took place as I noticed light coming through the trees opening the forest to a significant bliss.

So if you enjoyed this then keep reading my blog because that might help me continue writing since I don’t really see any potential in this writing anyway… I’m just waiting till I will.

- M.J.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Books, Endings & the Art of Being Sneeky

On Friday the first of August I went with my friend Elise to pick up the final book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, at a Barnes & Noble midnight release party. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to call Breaking Dawn the last book in this saga because the author is taking the first book, Twilight, and writing it from Edwards’s point of view which is going to be called Midnight Sun. Right now all the books are from Bella’s point of view except for book two in Breaking Dawn, which is from Jacobs’s point of view. Now from how I’m writing you may think that I am an addict, but truly I am the farthest thing from one. Here are some examples of how much of a un-addict I am,

By the way I think me and my buddy Elise were the only ones at the midnight party that weren’t wearing one of these.

Back to the point, Elise and I were both leaving in the morning to go on a family vacation. Elise was going on a cruise to Alaska with her grandparents as well as her mom and one of her best friends Taia who just got back from a Foreign Exchange to New Zeeland. I – on the other hand – went to a water-park somewhere over the rainbow called Great Wolf Lodge. But of course the whole time we were at the water-park I was reading Breaking Dawn, and fortunately, I was not the only one. There were many people my family saw reading the final book in the saga while we were in bliss (See I’m not the only one reading on vacation).
Goodness I keep getting off track! Now back to talking about the midnight party, in my little group of friends I was the only one that had been smart enough to pre-order her copy – this way I was able to, not only get my book first but also, get 30% off my purchase’s. Yes I said purchases, I got two books, not only did I get Breaking Dawn but I also bought The Host which is Stephanie Meyer’s sci-fi novel for people that hate sci-fi. It is truly amazing.
So after I was done buying my books I went to the very, very back of the line and waited through the 30 min. line to buy the book, again. When I got there I flaunted my copy of Breaking Dawn and was pretty much tackled by 3+ teenage addicts who all but knocked me over on their attempts to take my copy from me.
Now after while in line – mom please oh please do not get mad at me – me and Elise thought of ways that we could fool our parents into thinking that we weren’t reading Breaking Dawn at 1:30 am. Finally we both came up with a solution; we would take our copies of Eclipse, put them in the place that our parents told us to put Breaking Dawn and take our covers of Breaking Dawn and put them on Eclipse. Geniuses I know! Just to let you know, I felt bad about doing so, so I did it and then read the first 75 or so pages of Breaking Dawn and went to sleep… Then woke up 5 hours later and started reading again.
My personal look on Breaking Dawn is that; it was well written and very explanatory but also very predictable. I was happy with the ending that Stephanie Meyer chose and cannot wait to see more of her incredible creations through her writing. So long Twilight saga and hello whatever else she comes up with.

- M.J.